011 888 2741 Info@thetownplanner.co.za 83 7th Street, Linden, Johannesburg
Township establishment is the process of turning farmland or small holdings into township land.
Rezoning is the process of amending Town Planning Scheme conditions pertaining to a particular property.
Business rights can be obtained by means of rezoning.
Subdivision is the process of dividing a single property into two or more portions.
A Consent Use procedure is followed when a Town Planning Scheme specifically provides for certain uses with the consent of the local authority.
Removal of Restrictive Conditions is often required to rid a property of certain inflexible encumbrances written into the title deed.
Development Plans can be compiled by a property owner for a specific site, or can be compiled by a planning authority as part of the development policy for a larger area.
Land use controls include legislation, town planning schemes and title conditions that tell a property owner what he can or cannot do with or on his property.
Registration of Servitude is the procedure of securing a right in favour of a third party over a particular property.
Registration of Property Ownership is done in the Deeds Office.
Expropriation is the procedure available to a local, provincial or national authority to obtain ownership of property or certain rights over property
Proclamation is an alternative procedure available to a local, provincial or national authority to obtain certain rights over property, such as roads.